Happy International Book Giving Day

Happy International Book Giving Day

[reblogged (and expanded) from the Libreleft Books blog] February 14th isn’t just Valentine’s Day, it’s also the International Book Giving Day, a wonderful initiative to promote literacy. The idea is to get new, used and borrowed books in the hands of as many children as possible. They have many suggestions of things to do on… (read more)

Privacy Matters! #Stop Spying

Today is February 11th. Join the fight against NSA and CSEC Mass Surveillance. Today We Fight Back - www.thedaywefightback.org

Protect Our Privacy Today We Fight Back my Pinterest privacy board my Pinterest Canada board

Happy GNU Year

Happy GNU Year Card

[simulpublished across all my blogs] This virtual card is the best gift I can give my readers and online friends this holiday season. Not just because its the best and most awesome Happy GNU Year card you’re likely to find online, but because I created it entirely using free culture and free software. The Free… (read more)

Happy Saturnalia

ay the ginger cat in the window

I’ve been catching up with life and working on other media projects this month, and family stuff necessarily trumps all at this time of year, even for secular celebrants. The problem is that “The Girl In the Blue Flame Cafe” is still a WIP. That must be my priority after Christmas. I don’t generally do… (read more)

Lani Russwurm’s book debut

"Vancouver Was Awesome" by Lani Russwurm

blogger My younger brother Lani Russwurm was already a veteran blogger when I began my first blog; I appreciate his advice to use WordPress. historian Since moving to BC, Lani’s interest in history took him  to  Simon Fraser University, where his thesis studies led  to his first blog about Vancouver history as “Past Tense Vancouver“,… (read more)

The Periodic Table of Storytelling

Dawn Paladin's Periodic Table thumbnail

Artist Dawn Paladin created this amazing resource with information gleaned from tvtropes.org. Dawn suggests searching the tv tropes wiki catalog of tricks of the trade for writing fiction for more information than is found in each elemental square. Have fun. Dawn Paladin released The Periodic Table of Storytelling under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0… (read more)

Time to Re-engage in Writing

self portrait reflection photograph of Laurel taken at Kwartzlab

I’ve been distracted by a great many things in my life over the past several months, and am now trying to disenentangle a bit so I can re-engage in the writing part of my life. So today when I stumbled into Litchat, one of my favorite Twitter writing “chats” I stopped in for a while… (read more)

I wish I’d had a chance to meet Elmore Leonard

Today we lost one of the great writers of our time, Elmore Leonard. Mr. Leonard was at home writing westerns and crime fiction, but he wasn’t a genre writer, he was a ‪#‎writer‬. I wish I’d had a chance to meet Elmore Leonard, although if I had, I would probably have been too tongue tied… (read more)

August is the perfect time to read Inconstant Moon… before the school year begins

Inconstant Moon Paperback Edition Cover Art

Students are just finding their way through the fall semester at Christie University when a brutal on campus attack sends a chill through the Fyfield House residence.  [Caution:  Before giving copies to kids,  remember that this whodunit deals with mature subject matter.] If you’re on #Goodreads, you can vote for “Inconstant Moon” as the August… (read more)

Moonday Update

half moon, photographed in day light against a blue sky.

I intend to have the rough first draft of “The Girl In the Blue Flame Cafe” finished this week. The week following will be taken up with clean up editing to get it ready to pass along to beta readers. #LookingGood