Lani Russwurm, historian, blogger and author
My younger brother Lani Russwurm was already a veteran blogger when I began my first blog; I appreciate his advice to use WordPress.
Since moving to BC, Lani’s interest in history took him to Simon Fraser University, where his thesis studies led to his first blog about Vancouver history as “Past Tense Vancouver“, on WordPress and Tumblr.
A few years ago he added a related Vancouver history blog to his repertoire. “Vancouver Was Awesome” blog became a regular feature on the popular Vancouver Is Awesome site.
Which brings us to this year, with the publication of Lani’s first book, “Vancouver Was Awesome” for Arsenal Pulp Press.
You don’t have to be a history buff or a Vancouverite to appreciate stories like the one about young Boris Karloff’s near ruination.
Or the one about a rampaging squirrel.
And Vancouver’s Jazz Age.
Stories about the wild politicians, artists and free thinkers that hammered out the foundation of the premier city of the Canada’s Left Coast.
Lani’s eclectic mix of tales about the first several decades of the life of Vancouver are richly illustrated with cool archival photos of life the way it used to be.
If you like the blog, you’ll love the book.
And as Vancouver Is Awesome suggests, Lani’s book debut “Vancouver Was Awesome” will make a fabulous Christmas gift.
Congratulations Lani!
Image Information
Both the “Past Tense” Banner and “Vancouver Was Awesome” images are used with permission, as they are copyright all rights reserved.
The photo of Lani is licensed to share (Creative Commons license information is in the sidebar)