Today I tried working on “The Girl In The Blue Flame Cafe” on my smart phone on the bus.
It took far too long to type, and the typos are astounding. On the other hand, I got something written, just not very much. Maybe in time I’ll get better at it…. we’ll have to see. I’ve read of people writing entire novels on their cell phones, but that’s not going to happen with me. A netbook is portable enough. Still, I can see the benefit of being able to making notes of ideas while on the fly with the cell phone.
Writing novels on cell phones might work well for the texting generation, but my lot grew up using phones for voice communication. I’ve decided computers work much better for me at this point.
The time sensitive polical stuff I was working in is dealt with, so I’m stepping away from politics for a bit now. Even so, there are several family commitments at hand, but I still need to finish Blue Flame. So I’m going to take a wee break from social networking, perhaps for a week, and see where its at then.